lørdag 23. november 2013

Journeycon, day 1! :D

Okay! So, I said I would be blogging about Journeycon. To be honest, when we (Marielle/cowbell and I) got home from the meetup at Babylon last night, we were both pretty beat and ended up just watching TV for a little while before going to bed. So instead of blogging then, I'm doing it now!

I arrived in Oslo at 2 PM yesterday, checked into the hotel and sat down in my room to relax a bit after the bus trip and take a picture of the view from the room.

An hour later, I went to meet Tina at Peppes (chain of pizza restaurants). We ate awesome pizza, then Marielle and Nadia/nakri joined us. Nadia is too busy to attend Journeycon, so she just wanted to say hi. Hi!

After stopping by the hotel room with Marielle's stuff and taking another pic of the view (it was dark, I had to!), we wandered off to Bar Babylon and sat down. We were the first ones there, but our first attendee joined us just moments later, and after that people just started flowing in. I'm sorry I can't remember all the names, I'm terrible with names, you're officially warned! xD But the ones I do remember the names of will be mentioned! First a pic of the wall decor at Babylon, because it's pretty cool.

Okay, so people started showing up, and I definitely had no idea who most of them were, to be honest, haha. And yes, in the very beginning it was pretty awkward, but then people started talking and laughing and having a good time, and I think it's awesome that the thing that brought this crowd together is a series of video games. It's so cool!
Unfortunately, I'm crap at remembering to take pictures. Seriously. My camera was on the table most of the evening, but I forgot to take pics after a while (because hey, I was busy talking and listening to all the conversations!). So these following pictures are thanks to Marielle, who decided to borrow my camera to test it out with the "low light" setting. This was pretty early, so not many people had shown up yet:

 This is me, looking like a retard because I'm seriously NOT photogenic in any way.
 British people to the left (sorry, didn't catch your names!), and then a girl I think introduced herself as Ingrid.
The face to the right is Brita (I'm pretty sure, at least), and the arm.. I don't know xD
Brita in the back, then a Swedish guy I didn't catch the name of, and .. another guy I don't remember the name of. Sorry!
Tina with her (very soft sweater) back to the camera, Olli and a British guy from Moscow whose name I (surprise!) didn't catch.

This is just a few of the MANY people who decided to show up, I can get more pics later I guess. Anyway, after a while we had filled all the chairs around these three tables, and then Dag showed up with a couple of friends. They ended up sitting at another table though, but Dag came to say hi and took a picture of us, which he tweeted. Other RTG people who showed up: Rikke the Artist, Morgan the No-longer-an-Art-Intern, Morten the Intern, Eivind the Animator, Quintin the.. Programmer? Aw shucks, let's not pretend my memory works. Later on, Martin showed up as well. Yay to you all! :D

Sorry that I don't remember the names of the fans who joined us, I truly am bad with names (especially when a few beers are involved).. but you're welcome to leave your names here if you read this!
As the night went on, there were so many of us that some had to stand - no chairs left! I really had a good time, and I think that most of the people who showed up did. Thanks, guys! :D
Marielle and I decided to go home kinda early, I think it was around 10:30 PM, because we were kinda tired and wanted to get a good night's sleep so we could party all night long tonight instead. We wandered home, stopped by Burger King for cheap, dry burgers (don't know if they were worth the money, to be honest :s) and then we're back to the start of this blog post.

I've been writing this while Marielle's been getting ready, and now it's my turn. Breakfast time!
And in just two hours and fifteen minutes, the doors will open and THE CON WILL BE ON! :D 

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